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What Is The Best Treatment For Corns

Answering that question is not as simple as you would imagine due to the fact that everyone is different and what may work for one may not necessarily work for another.

One of the first steps to take in the process of corn treatment is to pinpoint the cause of the problem.

Usually the cause of corns can be laid squarely against the wearing of the wrong kind of shoes or socks.

So the obvious starting point would be in getting your feet measured in both length and width to ensure you are in fact wearing footwear that is the correct size for your feet.

If it is found that your shoes are not the problem then the next item to look at are the actual socks or stockings that you favour.

Socks should fit snugly rather than being loose but without being too tight fitting. Loose socks will tend to ride up and cause friction against the skin, which in turn can and often does lead to a corn developing.

So having identified the quite probable cause of your foot complaint the next stage is how to remove the offending corn so that you may once again step out pain and discomfort free.

Some people will swear by home remedies and concoctions made up in the back kitchen whilst others will not entertain anything that isn't purchased over the counter or prescribed by a doctor.

In all honesty there can be much said for both trains of thought as many of the over the counter treatment for corns have origins in home-made remedies.

Shop bought or doctor prescribed treatments for corns have the added advantage of having been tested thoroughly before being made commercially available.

Some names of corn treatment products will no doubt be more widely recognisable than others but generally the ingredients will be much the same as the lesser known brands.

Names such as Scholl and Compeed readily spring to mind as well-known tried and tested corn treatment product suppliers.


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